The United Methodist Church recognizes the two sacraments in which Christ himself participated: baptism and the Lord's Supper. Baptism joins Christians everywhere, and is a symbol of new life and forgiveness of sins. Persons of any age can be baptized once, and the method can be sprinkling, immersion or pouring. Through baptism we are joined with the church and with Christians everywhere.
I. Intro
1. Contemporary United Methodism is attempting to recover and revitalize its understanding of baptism. To do this, we must look to our heritage as Methodists and Evangelical United Brethren and, indeed, to the foundations of Christian Tradition. Throughout our history, baptism has been viewed in diverse and even contradictory ways. An enriched understanding of baptism, restoring the Wesleyan blend of sacramental and evangelical aspects, will enable United Methodists to participate in the sacrament with renewed appreciation for this gift of God’s grace.
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A Resource for Understanding
The United Methodist
Ritual of Holy Baptism
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