Musical Ministry
This is a group that meets every Thursday at 6:15 pm. They meet in the choir room and sometimes the sanctuary. Come in the front doors and walk down the hall to your right or left in the middle of the connecting hallway you will find the choir room. If they are meeting in the sanctuary, which they do the practice before performing, walk through the main doors and go through the set of double doors in front of you. Park in the front lot and come in through the front doors.
The group is led by Steve Gwin. There is always room for more the only catch is you must be 18 or older. You do not need to have previous experience or any vocal training, you don’t even need to know how to read music (but it helps and you can learn). Steve has a passion for the Lord and for expressing his joy through singing. He will inspire you to join him as he gives all the glory to God.