Sunday Morning Schedule

Current Schedule

8:30 & 10:50 Online and in-person
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The Experience

Join us every Sunday for a moving worship experience at either the 8:30 am Traditional Service or the 10:50 am Contemporary Service.  Feel free to wear your Sunday best or your casual weekend wear - you are welcome just as you are.  Communion is served in both services on the first Sunday of every month to everyone who wants to participate. Coffee and cookies are available for both services.

The 8:30 Traditional Worship Service starts with a Call to Worship, traditional hymns are sung, Scripture and Gospel readings, communal prayer, the offering with the doxology #95 response, the Lord’s Prayer, Benediction and postlude.

The 10:50 Contemporary Worship Service starts with prayer and worship songs led by the praise team. An offering, communal prayer, Scripture and Gospel readings, benediction, and postlude.

In both services the sermon comes from the scriptures and is relevant to the liturgical season. You are invited to pickup a copy of the monthly scripture reading in the newsletter at church, via an email subscription or from the website.


Children are always welcome in worship.  They can remain with their family for worship or attend excellent, age appropriate experiences.  You will find a comfortable room at the back of the sanctuary if you need a quieter space where you can still hear the service.

Newborn - 5 yrs: The nursery is staffed with loving people from 8:30 am until noon for children as young as newborns up to four years old.

Kindergarten - 5th Grade: Think Orange children's ministry for K-5th grade.


Students in grades 6 through 12 meet upstairs in the youth room at 9:40 am.

Confirmation meets at 10:50 in Room 9.


Adults of all ages meet in the choir room for Sunday morning classes starting at 9:40.

A new class for those in their late 20’s to early 40’s meets in room 5 at 9:40.