Following Him Leads to Life
Life, religion, happiness, family, vocation - it is all about following Jesus, but it can be so hard to know how to follow him more closely or what steps we should take to grow deeper in our faith. During the next six weeks at Cross~Wind (online and in-person), we are looking at six critical elements of following Jesus and taking a closer look at how we can practice them in an age dominated by COIVD-19.
I encourage you to take a (FREE*) assessment to prepare for this sermon series. Do not worry too much about what your results say. I ranked as a “beginner” in two different categories, myself. I am truly a beginner in one of those categories (Hospitality), but I would rate myself higher in the other (A Life Open to Jesus). This tool gives us a starting place for thinking about our discipleship under Jesus. I also encourage you to expect your ratings to change over time. You may have been much higher, or lower, in any one category six months ago. Additionally, our goal is to better our rating by growing closer to Jesus.
Discipleship Assessment
Follow this link to take your assessment today or look for a paper copy at Cross~Wind or in your newsletter. Click here for more instructions if you need them. Use code: INDIANAJOY (all caps, no spaces)
*Tithes and offerings to Indiana Annual Conference through its member churches and their members have paid for this assessment to be used in United Methodist Churches in Indiana.